Wednesday, July 25, 2007


so here lately i have started taking a good, hard look at myself. my life isn't heading in any particular direction. i don't have many goals. i'm 27 years old and i work (for the time) at a telecommunications firm dealing with high speed internet customers. that is a nice way to say i work in a call center. it's so "office space" it isn't funny. inbetween calls i usually just mess around on the internet. i get two 15 minute breaks a day and one hour lunch. most times my lunch is taken up with a trip to the gym downstairs. i run (actually i eliptical) for 15 min. usually a mile in my case (i'm slow so what). then i lift for another 15. go take a hot then cold shower. come back upstairs sit at my desk and goof off for another 15 or so. i think i will start 'writing' here in my free time my 15 minute breaks and what not.
my only goal right now... is an imediate one of losing some wieght as of this typing i am at 325 lbs it fits my 6'3" frame ok.. but i know i'm unhealthy. i could stand to lose some. i don't want to die when i am 45. often times i tell myself that muscle weighs more than fat. i'm not too sure i have ever believed that. next break i get from calls i'll look into that... after all i do have the source of all information at my fingertips.
i read comic books. i like non-fiction. usually history style books... i love it here in kentucky, and i love to learn. time to go back to work

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