Saturday, August 11, 2007

slime slide no more.

so i went out to my parents house two days ago. on my way out in the 100000 degree heat i stopped by my old job dixie dozen. i used to be the projectionist when i worked there... i quit on may 19th 1999. i still get to see movies for free there... i guess it pays to get along with people.

i talked to my old boss for a bit. she is married now... i can't believe i used to have a crush on her......
wait.. not it isn't i had a crush on anything that was female back in the day.
wierd how somethings never change...

one more detour before i end up at my parents house. i go down to the greenwood boat docks. we used to walk up there and go to this drainage ditch that spit out into the ohio river. probably not the safest thing ever. but we lived in prp our options were slide down the slime slide into the ohio or go to the construction sites and throw dirt clods at each other (and believe me, we did both).

the slide.. was pretty much a drainage ditch that has had all the runoff water flowing through prp pumping into the ohio. in the cooler months it just builds up a moss/alge on the concrete making it slippery. then in the spring and summer months the water would just flow. and we would slide down the concrete ditch. into the ohio....
well, they made it so this coudlnt' be done anymore. so thousands of redneck children will not have the advantage of the concrete slime slide.

on my way out i saw this....

where the hell was that sign when i used to do that. eh.. i probably wouldn't have listened anyways.
finally i make it to my parents house and i look through old pictures and take some with me to make copies of.. i fix thier computer.. man.. people who know nothing abotu computers or the internetz should not have either.
we went out to eat and i had pork chops.. man they were good.
the house i grew up in and the backyard i played in as a child.

1 comment:

Alex said...

"man.. people who know nothing abotu computers or the internetz should not have either."

I don't know shit about shit.
I point. I click.
Sometimes I fuck shit up.
Sometimes I call people like you to fix it.
Isn't technology great? Nerd.