Friday, October 12, 2007

be nice to me....

i think i am just gonna start telling the red cross to fuck off. i went in today to give blood. they moved everything around. the people that normally take blood where not there. and i had some new jack nurse taking my blood. at first she missed the vein she dug around in my arm with the needle till blood started flowing. to which she replied "i don't know why it's working but it is.. oh well." then she kept looking down at the bag with concern on her face. she called another nurse over she dug the needle around a little and the blood stopped flowing... so they pulled the needle out and sent me on my way. i filled the bag up about half way. and they couldn't go to my other arm cause they already took too much blood. Like that is gonna hurt me.
good news is. i had an avocado milkshake from "the nam". it was the most delicious ever.

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