Saturday, November 17, 2007

Marvel comics..... what's happening. (jared's notes)

a long time ago. wanda (the scarlet witch) had children with her husband , vision. but it turns out that she didn't have kids she created them with her chaos magic powers. she was forced to get rid of them, because they were not real, and is made to forget about the whole thing. a slightly tipsy wasp mentions wanda's children kicking off wanda's nervous breakdown. rewriting reality so she could have her kids back. wanda unwittingly is attacking the avengers killing hawkeye, the vision, ant-man and destroying the avengers mansion and in general causing the break up of the avengers. magneto arrives in the nik of time to rescue his daughter (quicksilver and wanda are both magneto's children) and takes her to genosha.

nick fury finds ou that latveria is funding supervillian terrorists. fury then goes to the president with this information and is told to stand down. not happy with this nick gathers a group of superheroes to go on a secret mission to overthrow the latverian goverment. to keep things secret, the heroes minds are wiped of this mission. one year later a small army of b-list supervillians make an attack on NYC. leaving the heroes wondering what is going on. fury via LMD (life model decoy) tells everyone "this will be the last time anyone will see me" and goes underground communicating only with captain america, the winter soldier (bucky) and sharon carter. maria hill is the new director of shield.

electro causes a major break out from the raft (the s.h.i.e.l.d. maximum security supervillian prison). nearly 90 prisoners get out all but 42 are detained by the intervention by a group of heros, several of them already there for a defferent reasons. captain america and iron man form the new avengers with this new group of heroes.

failing at fixing wanda's mental state. prof. x calls a meeting to decide the fate of the scarlet witch. quicksilver relizes that the only option anyone is coming up with is to kill wanda, runs to genosha and convinces his sister to take drastic measures. wanda creats what is known as house of m. everyone has thier heart's desire. peter parker is married to gwen stacy. mutants are the ruling class. however. wolverine's greatest wish is to get his memories straight/back. wolverine wakes up and for the first time in his life, he knows who he is. the downside is, he also knows how the world is supposed to be. in the final confrontation with wanda, everything is set right with one minor change. wanda casts what seems to be her last spell and says "no more mutants". and the mutant population drops to 200 world wide. officially making mutants an endangered species.

the illuminati (dr. strange, prof. x, black bolt, namor, iron man, mr fantastic) meet to finally come up with a solution for the hulk problem once and for all. a LMD nick fury makes contact with bruce banner. he is asked to destroy an AI satelite gone wrong. he is told he is the only one/thing that can stop it. banner accepts. after he is launched into orbit a message is transmited from the illuminati. pretty much apologizing for the subterfuge. "you have always claimed of wanting to just be left alone" so the send him off to a lush planet with no intelligent life where he can never hurt another person. as things go (rarely according to plan) the ship is knocked off course and the hulk is sent to a war torn planet ruled over by the evil red emperor. the weakened hulk is forced into gladitorial combat eventually winning (or taking rather) his freedom overthrows the emperor and becomes ruler of the land, takes a queen concieves a child and is loved by the people of this land. then the warp core on the ship that brought him here explodes causeing a shift in the techtonic plates and destroying most of the world including his wife and unborn child. the hulk and his surviving warbound start thier trek back to earth to kick illuminati ass.

meanwhile back on earth. the new warriors (on thier new reality superhero tv show) take on some bad guys and they are completely outmatched. provoking the bad guys into killing somewhere around 600 civilians 300 of them children. iron man leads a superhero registration act to congress. it becomes law and all superpowered individuals are illegal unless registered. captain american and seevral others are against the registration and fight iron man on this. questionable tactics are used by iron man and reed richards. in the end captain america realizes he is causing more harm than good by fighting this and surrenders. maria hill steps down as commander of shield, and tony stark is the new commander. on his way to trial captain america is assasinated by the red skull's henchman crossbones.
just in time for
the hulk comes barreling into our orbit and takes out the black bolt. then he collects the rest of the illuminati. finally the sentry get's off his backside and takes on the hulk. till there is just bruce banner and robert reynolds fighting each other. turns out it was one of hulk's warbound that was responsible for the ship blowing up and everything is set right.
the new avengers go on a mission to japan to find ronin (echo) she has been missing for a while. they find elektra leading the hand. elktra is killed and reverts back to her skrull form.... what? that's right elektra has been a skrull for who knows how long. and she was resting control of the japanese underworld as the leader of the hand. now we are looking a possible skrull invasion. major trust issues. because wolverine couldn't sniff her out, doc strange couldn't magic her out any conventional means of discovering a skrull have not been any use. spider-woman takes the skrulektra body to tony stark because he is the only one she can trust. tony takes it to the illuminati because.... back in the day after the kree/skrull war the illuminati went to the skrull homeworld, got captured and then broke out. tony brings the body to them and we find out... that the black skull is a skrull. probably for years and years since thier trip to the skrull homeworld.

that should have everyone up to date.

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