Saturday, December 29, 2007

the war on christmas

yesterday, i had a pretty full day. i started off waking up earlier than i would have liked and went to my friend alex's house for working out. it was his 30th birthday and i don't think either of us were excited about working out in the rain/mud. but we were gonna get to use his new 15 lbs. medicine ball. we watched a couple episodes of metalocalypse and played some pinball (his lady friend, heather, got a rollerderby themed pinball machine). my brother met up with us and we got into the workout. my brother is in much better shape than i am. and he kicked our tail into the dirt. the work out consisted of:
3 Rounds back-to-back of:
15x 135# deadlift+
15x kettlebell clean & press per arm+
10x 15# sit-up, stand-up, slam medicine ball

my brother (kyle):


i feel like i just recieved the most violent massage ever. i'm not sore. my body just wants me to stop moving and sleep for like a day. it was rough, but i do feel good. it makes me feel positive. i recommend it to everyone.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Yeah, your brother kicked our asses and then proceeded to destroy our times. WTF? It was an awesome workout. It was hard getting out of bed the next day though.