Tuesday, October 30, 2007

DAY 27

i found a grey hair in my beard. there are several of them on my chin. it's wierd. i didn't have them in my last beard. personally i kinda like it. i hope i get grey temples too. then i will start wearing an eye patch. and i could be a bad guy from james bond film.....or nick fury.
so my photobucket account is working again. i imagin it had something to do with he fire in malibu.
man i have a slow growing beard.
also. if you are a fan of "survivalist adventure" stories. go check out 30 days of night. it is the best vampire movie (if not best horror film) i have seen in a VERY long time. for fans of the comic.... go see it. if you didn't like the comic.... go see it. it's better than the comic. it trims the fat and makes it appealing to a wider audience. not too gorey, not too much love story. it's good. i feels long but at the same time it cuts to the point. vampires go to barrow alaska to go on a feeding frenzy for thier month of night time. the story is about a group of people and thier struggle to survive for 30 days. big fan.
also lots of head's chopped off. it might feel a little zombie-ish at times. but don't let that keep you from enjoying it.
from the director that brought you "hard candy"

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


so apparently my photobucket account is not working. i assume all of my pictures are lost.. at least the ones i don't have saved on a computer somewhere.
i left my phone at home today. good times. if you need to talk to me. i won't answer, cause... my phone is right next to my computer... at home.
i'll be back later to review 30 days of night.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

DAY 20

today was probably one of the worst days at work. i think i got every idiot in america. i had one gentleman that was 2000 years old... and he misspelled "IPCONFIG" aproximately every time. no matter how i explained it to him. INDIA, PAPA, CHARLIE, OSCAR, NOVEMBER, FOXTROT, INDIA, GOLF. it just wasn't getting through.
thanks to normac for teaching how to make this 8 page comics from a regular 8.5x11 sheet of paper. i plan on doing something with that. maybe a little comic stripish. who knows. right now i just feel overwhelmed with ideas. musical and artistic. when my beard is back. i will be at full strength. i'm kinda like samson like that.

Monday, October 22, 2007

DAY 18

i've missed a couple of days. so i'm just gonna skip ahead to day 18. i am the sorest ever. i feel so haggard right now i just want to pass out. later on in the week i am gonna go hang out with allyson and maybe cook her some foodstuffs. alex is KICKING MY ASS.
see here and here. if he asks you to lift weights be prepared to not be a pussy. i'm gonna go watch sin city. check out my calander. that is what i am doing for the forseeable future.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

DAY 14

too early for me. i need to start sleeping better. so.. tomorrow. i completely expect to have my ass handed to me by alex's work-out. until recently i have been doing some pretty sissy work out. eliptical running and light lifting high reps. just trying to burn some fat. luckily i will be done with work until sat.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

DAY 13

today from work i god a dvd with episodes 1 and 2 from dexter season 2. i really need to see the first whole season. i have only seen episode 1 of season 1. work has been so very boring today. mind numbingly so. i find myself trying to keep from yawning while talking to customers.
in other news. i might be getting my job back at glass doctor. just part time though. on my days off from charter i would work at glass doctor from 8-4:30. not sure if 100% want to do this. i have been told that they would be ok with this. i just need to talk to the main guy. hopefully this could help me with my money troubles by 1)giving me extra income 2)keeping me busy so i don't have any time to spend my money.

Monday, October 15, 2007


here i am in this picture. soing my best razor ramon inpression. nobody mess with 'azar 'amon. i want to make comic books. if you are interested... get intouch with me. awesomesmasher@charter.net i don't have much to add today. other than i can not wait to get home and have a burger or two thanks to lee. what a swell guy.


DAYS 10 & 11

my beard is coming in nicely if not slowly. time-wise i will be beaten. but fullness you won't be able to hold a candle to it. i am always thrown off when a mans beard naturally grows into a goatee shape. like mine is. there is nothing i am doing, but it def looks like i am growing one. i got a hair cut and you will most likely see that tomorrow on day 12.
someone i care about is doing some shit that could lead to some serious damage. tonight i went to talk to at least one of the enablers. not putting it on their shoulders... just making sure that they know that they are part of the problem. if they knew the person was gonna shoot them-self they wouldn't give 'em the bullet to do it would they? i plan on having a serious discussion with the person soon. after that... i'm not gonna beat myself up over it.
on the lighter side. it was a nice day and brick stayed outside today.

then kalen and i went to the #1 asian buffet. i had two plates like this
and called it a night. off to band practice then i watched all of season 1 of the office. let the good times roll.

Friday, October 12, 2007

be nice to me....

i think i am just gonna start telling the red cross to fuck off. i went in today to give blood. they moved everything around. the people that normally take blood where not there. and i had some new jack nurse taking my blood. at first she missed the vein she dug around in my arm with the needle till blood started flowing. to which she replied "i don't know why it's working but it is.. oh well." then she kept looking down at the bag with concern on her face. she called another nurse over she dug the needle around a little and the blood stopped flowing... so they pulled the needle out and sent me on my way. i filled the bag up about half way. and they couldn't go to my other arm cause they already took too much blood. Like that is gonna hurt me.
good news is. i had an avocado milkshake from "the nam". it was the most delicious ever.


last night i aquired the deathklok cd. it's actually pretty good. although i'm not too sure that if it was a serious cd i would enjoy it. other recent additions to my cds. the john fogerty "revival" cd. i haven't listened to it, cause i'm slightly afraid to. i want it to be good but his past has not been positive. he has a song on it called creedence song. i'm keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that there are not hand claps on this cd. today will be my first stop at the comic shop with my newly implemented self governing rule of "no more than 5-6 bucks".
i need a hair cut.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


my day off. today is the beginning of my weekend. i am off on thursdays, fridays, and sundays. my good friend charles (from my days working at glass doctor) and i had lunch together. usually we get q-doba, but today we had mr. ghatti's i think i am gonna vow from this day forward to never eat that pizza again. it is soo gross. the days of me enjoying all you can eat for the novelty of all you can eat is coming to an end. quality over quantity and what not. i need to get out and explore and do some new shit. experience some new things. it seems like almost everything that there is to do in my age group revolves around drinking. i want to go to the lego museum. i want to go to the marvel and dc offices. i want to meet stan lee. i want to go to a comic book convention. that's right. news flash i'm a fucking nerd. this is the shit i want to do. most people want to see france or some such romantic shit. i want to see the offices of two of the biggest comic book companies around.
i want to go to school at the joe kubert school of cartoon and graphic art. i want to go to new zealand and see hobbit town (i don't even know if that really exists). i want to make comics. that is what i want to do with my life. but what people don't realize is saying that is like saying i want to play professional basketball. except the options are much, much, much more limited.
i'm gonna go read.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


i think i have figured out what do to about my recurring money issue. step one. i will stop spending so much money on comic books. as it is, i probably spend about 20-25 bucks a week on comics. i am gonna try to get that down to 5-6 bucks a week. i figure if i cut my books down to 2-3 books a week i can do this.
the books i will continue getting:

captain america
walking dead
action comics (as long as donner is writing)
all star batman and robin the boy wonder
castle waiting
and maybe a mini series here and there. i will finish up astonishing x-men. and a couple of other series. other books that i really want to get i'll just have to wait and get them in collected form for a discounted price from amazon or get them used from some of the LCS's (local comic shop). next. i will have to not eat out more than..... 1-2 times a week. that will be the hardest part. i might actually lose a little weight too. not eating unhealthy food all the time.
still running. i ran for about 20 min on mon. and did some light lifting. uped the reps lowered the weight. just trying to get a good excercise and again.. burn some fat.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


this picture was taken before i was ready to get up. i look like i could rip someone in half. note to enemies. never ever.... ever wake me up to fight me. you will lose. this is after 5 hours of sleep and i am woken up by brick rummaging through my garbage. i let him out cause when he saw that i woke up he ran up the steps to go outside. i came up stairs while he was doing his business and came in to mess around online. and i took this picture. if you ever come across me like this. do not make eye contact i will shoot laser beams into your brain.

Monday, October 8, 2007


even thought i look like jack nicholson from about schmidt in this picture. i actually like the length of facial hair here. my room mate's mom told me i look good. watch out cougars i'm "scruffy mcfive'oclock" and i'm coming after your victoria secret underwear.
seriously... what is it about olde women being into me. if i ever get hit on... it's usually by a friend's mom. evidently i attract two types. gay men and postmenopausal women. note... i am not saying that i am unattractive in any way. i think i am good looking. it just makes me laugh that the people most likely to find me attractive both couldn't bear any children. and we all know i need a fertile woman that i can bonk over the head with a club and drag back to my cave so i can insure the survival of the species

Sunday, October 7, 2007


i don't have it. i have been thinking more and more. i am gonna stop getting comic books. i spend about 120 bucks a month on comics sometimes more. i go every week and spend 20-30 bucks. i am just gonna have to bite the bullet and quit going every week like i have been for the past 6 years. there will still be some books i will get. but they will be limited. and if there is something that is just too good, i'll get the trades. chance are i can get the collected version really cheap on amazon.
at some point in time i'm going to just say fuck it. i can't afford to keep being loyal to this comic shop. loyalty doesn't pay bills. my financial well being is more important than insuring my comic shop gets my money. i will still go there for the few titles i plan on keeping up with. everything else it's either the used-bin or online.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

the heartbreak kid

due to nothing else going on on a friday night (although i realized too late that my friend was having an art show at the clay buffet). kalen and i went to see the heartbreak kid. the new ben stiller movie. and it was as uncomfortable and predictable as ever. have you ever seen a ben stiller movie? you have seen this one. this movie solidifies my stance that the only redeeming quality of ben stiller is that his dad is jerry stiller (who was also in the film). if anyone tells you that this is funny. you need to seriously re-evalute your position as friends with said person. oh yeah.... carlos mencia is in this. just to add extra stink to the turd as it circled the drain. go see superbad if you want to laugh.
ps added bonus. ben stiller grows a beard in this and he looks not unlike those geico cavemen.


well... i don't have much to talk about concerning my beard... so i'll just do what i do best. talk about comic books. here lately i have been re-reading the captain america books (written by ed brubaker). they have been superb. back stabbing, international espionage, terrorism, death and redemption. if you like comics and you are not reading this you are an A+ jerk. you should read this even if you don't like comics. other books by brubaker you should check out: sleeper, criminal, gotham central.

Friday, October 5, 2007


i have sandpaper on my face now. a lot of people think that my facial hair grows really fast. i'm not so sure i do. i have a feeling it will be about a week and a half before i have something that resembles a beard.
right now i'm just hoping that my god damned acne will go away.
ps. my eyes are crooked.

"the double greatest"

i'm the einstein of pugilism
each jab an atom bomb
whenever i am through with you
you'll want to call your mom
i'm the peak of every mountaintop
the most beautifullest weather
untouchable in every way
i'm gonna live for ever

you can't stop me
king kong ain't got nothing on me

i'm so mean
i had a dream i beat myself up*
poetry flows through my lips
it's hard to keep my mouth shut
i am immortal i have inside me
blood of kings**
a holiday should be declared
when i step inside a ring
have you ever seen such beauty
in body, soul and mind
"i'm the center of the universe
the greatest of all times."

king kong ain't got nothing on me.

*STOLEN from the popeye movie
** STOLEN from queen and freddy mercury.
all things in quotes actual phrases by muhammad ali.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

day one of beard off.

so here i am completely shaving my beard for the first time in probably 4 years. i have had some form of facial hair on me for quite some time. there for a while i only had a mustache but even then i didn't shave just used a pair of clippers. some of the guys at work are having a beard-off. i'm 2 days behind but still confident. i have always wanted to do one of those time lapse things with a series of pictures my beard growing.

derby city roller girls prom

kalen and i

kalen and i again

and again

and my new friend alex